Back to The Future

One of the most common responses to the question “What do you miss the most during the pandemic?” was “people”. Our virtual summit “Back to the Future” had a main goal of helping people connect with one another through a screen in an entertaining and meaningful way. We spent a lot of time advertising to over 140 people. We added speakers to help motivate, and encourage attendees during difficult times. We wanted to entice the crowd to participate and stay engaged so we added a raffle and kahoot game with prizes to be won. We had a great time interacting with people in the chat and discussion questions and really felt we had accomplished our goal. Finally, we wrapped things up with a final uplifting message. There are many downsides to virtual events, but a lot of benefits as well. We hope to inspire more events like this at TCC even after things go back to normal because they are a great way to connect with one another, while also being safe and comfortable. Supporting one another is the best way to get through difficult times and you never know who may need it most.

“I loved this event because it really was a time for us students to just take it slow, get to have some fun and also get to learn some really important stuff.Thank you all for your dedication to pulling this off, all you PTK officers are amazing!”

“It was great to "see" students again even via a computer screen. Often times, students do not turn on their cameras in meetings, and it is nice to see their smiling faces. :)”

“It got me to participate in other school activities despite the virus”